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My academic experiences range from redesigning a corridor for bike and pedestrian safety to completing research on accessibility for individuals with mobility impairments using GIS mapping and from doing field observations in Copenhagen to access people’s behavior in urban spaces to analyzing Chilean literature with ecocritcism theory.


My education has covered diverse topics that have helped me to develop strong skills in critical thinking, problem solving, and critical analysis. It was a political science course that first introduced me to cities as an academic area of study. A course on urban livability taken in Denmark led me to discover my passion for multimodal transportation. The variety of topics I have studied have contributed to my understanding of the intersecting issues facing cities.

Trolley in New Orleans
ACRP Award

I recently graduated from the Masters of City and Regional Planning program at Rutgers University. I earned my B.A. in Environmental Studies at Dickinson College. During college, I studied Sustainable Urban Development for a year in Copenhagen, Denmark.

My projects range from research to writing to design. Some highlights include redesigning a corridor for bike and pedestrian safety, designing a bus network, completing a TOD assessment, and researching the accessibility of Dickinson College’s campus for individuals with mobility impairments using GIS mapping.

I have been fortunate enough to receive a number of honors and scholarships. These include Phi Beta Kappa, two awards for the American Planning Association, and a first place submission to the Airport Cooperative Research Program University Design Competition.

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